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MBPISS BPISW Rockycreek's Trail of Fate CGC TKN

Birthday: October 14th, 2021

Kismet is the quintessential couch buddy. She is a cuddly and laid-back girl that loves a night-in watching a movie with her people. While she does love laying around, Kismet is happy and outgoing in social settings and loves every dog and person she meets. Kismet is a big fan of belly rubs and she will often roll on her back as you walk by to try and get a belly pat from you. She is a top notch sleeping buddy as she'll stay cuddled up with you in any position for hours on end. Kismet always wants to be touching one of her friends, whether they be human or dog,  and goes out of her way to lay near or on the nearest warm body. We love having this affectionate and loving girl with us at Lost Woods! Kismet is bred by and co-owned with Kathy Mines of Rockycreek Labradors

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